Lil and family came back just before Christmas from a vacation on some island named Jamaica which, from the pictures you'll see below, looks kind of nice but much too hot for a large black horse that's endowed with as much hair as I am. I guess that's why when Lil went riding she ended up on a skinny-legged ex-racehorse that's as gaunt as a whippet. Still, Lil tells me the horses at this riding establishment were very well cared for and not the bony, sad-sack creatures typical of these kinds of places in the tropics. In fact, many of the horses at this place (called "Hooves" by the way) were rescues. That, of course, was the final push Lil needed to get her all excited about rescuing horses here at home, which is something she's kind of bounced around ever since moving to our current farm, so I guess we have more strange new horses to look forward to. I'll keep you posted as this particular project develops. In the meantime, here are some pictures from Lil's ride. Evidently she had a blast.
Lil and her guide, Danny, leaving the former Spanish plantation where the horses are kept, and on their way to the beach.
A canter on the beach.
Playing in the surf.